Haworthia Retusa F. Geraldii "Star Cactus" or Glass Leaf Succulent"

Haworthia Retusa F. Geraldii "Star Cactus" or Glass Leaf Succulent"

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Botanical Name: Haworthia Retusa F. Geraldii
Common Name: Star Cactus or Glass Leaf Succulent
Country of Origin: South Africa

The Haworthia Retusa is an exquisite star-shaped succulent, with thick translucent lime green leaves that can become red and brown when sun stressed. It is a slow growing solitary rosette that gives offsets at its base and blooms tiny white flowers, when in the right growing condition. The Star Cactus can survive in lower light but prefers indirect bright light. Pots sold separately.

Care Instructions:
Light Preference: Enjoys indirect light. Does not like full sun exposure. Sensitive to frost
Water ToleranceWater once a week (preferably on schedule). Allow the soil to be dry between waterings.   Do not overwater as too much moisture will lead to root rot. 

Soil:  Enjoys gritty succulent potting soil. Feed during the growing season (spring) by adding new soil. If you grow them in containers, repot them with fresh potting soil every 2 -3 years.



SKU #: 2045