Kalanchoe Luciae "Flapjack or Paddle Plant"

Kalanchoe Luciae "Flapjack or Paddle Plant"

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Botanical Name: Kalanchoe Luciae
Common Name: Flapjack or Paddle Plant
Countries of Origin: South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe

The Kalanchoe Luciae (aka Flapjacks or Paddle Plant) is a colorful succulent with wide, round green and red leaves that look like clam shells. The red color of the leave edges deepen from direct sunlight. The Paddle Plant produces new offsets at their bases. It is a monocarpic plant, which means that after many years, the rosette will produce a bloom stalk with flowers and die. However, the offsets will continue to live a long life until they flower. Pots sold separately.

Care Instructions:
Light Preference: Enjoys indirect bright light and full sun, except in hot summer days when partial shade is recommended.
Water Tolerance: Water once a week (preferably on schedule). Allow the soil to be dry between waterings. Do not overwater as too much moisture will lead to root rot. 
Soil: Enjoys gritty succulent potting soil. Feed during the growing season (spring) by adding new soil. If you grow them in containers, repot them with fresh potting soil every 2 -3 years.

SKU #: 2150